Would you like to get a better understanding of who I am, what it’s like to work with me, the tools and systems I use, and what Bio+Logical Health and Nutrition is all about - BEFORE committing to an intensive health-optimization program like the Vitality Project? Would you like the opportunity to have an honest and open discussion about your health with a compassionate, heart-centered health practitioner who’s committed to listening to your story and helping you find real solutions to your long-standing health problems? Would you like to see some hard evidence for why you feel the way you do and know that it’s not just “all in your head”?

Good…because I’ve created a way for us to do just that. It’s called Gut Check.



Initial Consultation

TIME: 50 minutes

The Gut+Check Initial Consultation is the first step in starting a conversation with me so that you can get a much better idea of what it’s like to partner with me before committing to a much more comprehensive program like the Vitality ProjectWe'll talk more in-depth about what you can expect from working with me and what will be necessary for you to be able to generate the most successful outcome during our time together.

This Initial Consultation also includes:

  • An honest case assessment to see if and how I can help you

  • An opportunity to be heard and have a dialogue with someone who cares

  • A 50-minute deep dive into your case history, present issues, and future goals

  • A recommendation of lab tests to run and why

  • An invitation to my online portal and access to my 30-Days of Vita+Logic lifestyle optimization program

If we determine that this program is a good fit for you, the next steps will be:

  • I'll send you an invoice for the labs and get them ordered and shipped out to you

  • Fill out the Comprehensive Intake Form for me to review before our next consult (I’ll send it to you in the portal)

  • Schedule an appointment for a Root Cause Analysis once you've been notified that your results are in

After this consult, you’ll be on your way to finding real solutions to your most pressing health concerns. 


Root Cause Analysis

TIME: 50-120 minutes

Once I've received your test results back from the lab (approx. 10-14 days after you send them to the lab), I’ll contact you to schedule another appointment to discuss them in greater detail and how they clinically correlate with your health complaints.

We’ll spend time integrating the information gathered in your Initial Consultation along with your health history, intake form, and your lab results to generate a root cause analysis of your health concerns and a case conceptualization that will identify practical solutions to begin addressing your health issues and a plan for moving forward to begin your own Vitality Project.

After this meeting you’ll have a much better understanding of what’s likely at the root of your health issues, as well as identifying and uncovering potential:

  • inflammatory and immune response triggers

  • hidden infections and microbial overgrowths

  • digestive dysfunctions

  • hormonal/neurotransmitter imbalances

  • blockages in various metabolic, detoxification, and elimination pathways

  • nutritional deficiencies and what organs/systems are being affected by them

  • oxidative damage to the cell and to DNA

  • issues that may be affecting mitochondrial health, energy production, and ability to burn fat/lose weight

…which may be contributing to your dis-ease symptoms and preventing you from living your best life.

The $349 Gut+Check Program fee is for 2-50 minute consults - lab fees are separate. Once we’ve determined which tests would best fit your needs, I’ll email you a separate invoice for the cost of the labs. For more information on some of the labs I use and their cost, see Lab Test Information.

The consultation fee is non-refundable - except in the case if I determine that the program wouldn’t be a good fit for you during our Initial Consultation. Please note that I cannot and will not give out medical advice during this or any other meeting. The Root Cause Analysis does not include any treatment plan or definitive supplemental protocol. Any and all protocols will only be addressed when you enroll in the Vitality Project.